Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1st day back to work

Monday was my first day back at work!!! It was a long day. During the week, her feeding schedule will be 6-10-2. That morning after I fed her, she was smiling, laughing, and talking to me. I hated to go! DJ takes her in the mornings to meet his parents, and I pick her up in the afternoons. Monday really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be away from her. I had one student who pretty much kept me going all day long!!!! He was acting out so much, but I guess it was a blessing in disguise that I didn't think about Emily all day! I was so excited to see her that afternoon, not to mention riding in my new vehicle. I raced to DJ's parents' house, and Emily gave me a big smile when I picked her up! It melted my heart!!!

1st night away

Saturday was Valentine's Day, and that night was the first night I spent away from Emily. DJ had arranged for us to go down to the Coast that night. It was bitter sweet! It was nice to get away, but we both missed her. After we had our evening out and headed back to the hotel, it felt like it was time to go get her (but we had to wait until the next day). The next morning, I was real eager to get back home! She had just finished eating and was all smiles when we got home!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hi everyone!

I just created this blog to let everyone know what goes on with Emily. She does new things everyday, and we have family and friends from all over who can't come see her everyday.

As everyone knows, Emily had her surgery for pyloric stenosis three weeks ago. She's doing wonderful! Her incision site has completely healed and just looks like a scratch. She's eating 4 oz. just like before she was sick. She's gained her weight back, too! We had her 2 month appointment last Tuesday and she weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. Last night, we weighed her by holding her and we think she weighs about 9 lbs. 6 oz. now!!!!!

She's finally out of Newborn sized clothes and is wearing 0-3 months. However, she's gotten so long that she might not be in them too much longer. I think she's going to have the same problem I have had my whole life - has to buy things for the length. The only problem with her is...if you fit her in the length, everything else is too wide. Poor thing!

One big milestone - she's sleeping through the night!!! She started sleeping through the night last Wednesday when she was exactly 2 months old. She has slept anywhere from 7 to 12 hours each night. It's so wonderful! Even though she's sleeping in our bed, it doesn't matter. We'll eventually put her in her bed, but for now we're just happy to get some sleep! :)

She's 10 weeks old today!!!!